Monday, January 6, 2014

Bon Ane

Happy New Year!
….erhm….Happy One Week into the New Year!

Time flies when you’re having fun, right?

Actually, more appropriate would be the fact that it has been difficult for me to remember that it was just New Years due to the fact that it is 80 degrees outside right now.  Feeling for my Midwest homebodies who are battling record setting cold temps right now.  Sending warm hugs!!

I didn’t even stay up past midnight on New Years Eve….but my Haitian neighbors sure did!  They know how to celebrate.  Praise music and singing rang into the night well past 3 am!  But I soon gathered that it wasn’t just to celebrate the New Year, but to celebrate the recognition of their independence.  January 1st is a recognized holiday in Haiti - Independence Day.

On January 1, 1804, Saint-Domingue (what this island was once called, before it became two separate countries of Haiti and Dominican Republic) ceased to exist and modern Haiti was born. 500,000 slaves achieved their freedom, becoming the first Black Country to gain its independence.

When the French were in control, they forbade Haitians from eating pumpkin soup, a French delicacy.  The slaves made it and served it, but were not allowed to eat it.  When Haiti proclaimed its independence, all Haitians started to make and eat this soup for themselves. It was a way to demonstrate that everyone was equal. The custom of eating soup on Independence Day continues today. So on January 1, across this country, and around the world, every Haitian was eating Soup Joumou (pumpkin soup)!  I had the privilege of trying some and it was very delicious.
As is also customary on New Years, I did take a moment to reflect on what was, what is, and what will be.  Many physical endeavors stand out from this past year: I did the Polar Plunge, climbed a mountain, ran a half-marathon, moved to Haiti….and scattered amongst those events are other defining moments that continue to grow me, challenge me and refine me.  As I look into this new year, the only event I am anticipating at this point is becoming an aunt, x2, as both of my sisters are expecting in May!!  Though that may be the only piece of this next year that I have figured out, I claim and experience complete peace with knowing and trusting that God has the rest of those pieces in His hand. And piece by piece, He sovereignly and perfectly will place them in their correct place, at the chosen time, to complete the picture of this year as He designed it and willed it.  

To Him be the glory forever and ever.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! AUNTIE KERRY you will be amazing. I loved reading this. Praying for you. As it is -45 out with wind chill, we are staying warm inside, and david and I had school canceled today, his is also canceled tomorrow and I already don't teach. So we are enjoying a longer vacation : ) which is nice. : ) sending my love to you.
