I want you to meet someone. Well, there are MANY people here who I would love you all to meet, but I’ll start with her: She’s my co-worker, student, teacher, sidekick, encourager, collaborator, teammate...and friend. Meet Dieulene, the Haitian nurse that works alongside me at Children of the Promise!
Hired shortly after I arrived in Haiti, we’ve worked side-by-side for about 5 months. To say she is a valuable asset to this team is an understatement. Working 6 days a week, she is the first person to open the Pharmacy each morning and begin the morning routine: preparing breakfast for one of our special needs kiddos who is on a tube feeding, administering medications, beginning therapy and addressing immediate needs. I arrive to the pharmacy shortly after her and always look forward to her greeting. During the day, as health situations arise either amongst our own kiddos or visiting community members through our gate, it’s good to be able to collaborate with her and work side-by-side with her. And not only on health matters, but also in cultural and language situations. She is ever so patient when I ask her to translate something for me, and is equally encouraging when I effectively communicate something in Creole to a patient. She is also occasionally a little mischievous when I ask her to say something in Creole for me and she looks at me with a smirk in her eye and says, “No, you know how to say that!”
Enjoy this little video that was recently made outlining a portion of what she does here.
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